Reliance Jio has made interesting once again the ongoing battle between telecom companies. This time Reliance Jio has launched an annual prepaid pack worth Rs 1,699. In this plan, the user will get a total of 547.5 GB 4G data for use. Its validity will be 365 days and will get 1.5 GB 4G data for every day use. This Recharge Pack has been made available to every Jio users. On the other hand, Jio is giving "100 percent cashback" to every user with every recharge plan of Diwali. Cashback Live Subscriber will be given coupon in the form of Reliance Digital. Reliance Digital coupons will be given in the MyJio App. Reliance Jio's prepaid plan of Rs 1699 has now become part of the company's annual plan for Rs 4,999 and Rs 9,999.
Jio will get 547.5 GB data in this plan, Jio Diwali 100 percent cashback offer also launches
अक्तूबर 26, 2018
Reliance Jio has made interesting once again the ongoing battle between telecom companies. This time Reliance Jio has launched an annual prepaid pack worth Rs 1,699. In this plan, the user will get a total of 547.5 GB 4G data for use. Its validity will be 365 days and will get 1.5 GB 4G data for every day use. This Recharge Pack has been made available to every Jio users. On the other hand, Jio is giving "100 percent cashback" to every user with every recharge plan of Diwali. Cashback Live Subscriber will be given coupon in the form of Reliance Digital. Reliance Digital coupons will be given in the MyJio App. Reliance Jio's prepaid plan of Rs 1699 has now become part of the company's annual plan for Rs 4,999 and Rs 9,999.